Tuesday, February 27, 2018

I remember her

I look at this picture and I see this beautiful, young woman so full of life and full of plans for the future. I see that sparkle in her eye and the excitement for all that was to come.  She was getting ready to go off to college and be on her own, sort of, living in a college dorm.  She graduated with a 4.35 GPA and was going to major in English and minor in Spanish.  Her dream was to someday be a Professor and write books.

The young woman I see here was my daughter, sassy, sometimes defiant, always funny, smart, loud, always laughing, always with a book in her hand and so curious to learn about everything. She was loving but could get mad instantly.  She was constantly reading and learning new things. She had a passion for writing and wrote several series of books that I still have.

Her other passion was for mission work.  She loved meeting the people on these trips and helping them anyway she could.  She came home from Nicaragua with only the clothes on her back as she had given all her possessions away.  She committed to sending money to a little girl and did this for two years from her summer jobs.  She would always come with a renewed passion for the Lord also.

Later her life would change with marriage, children and a husband. But the girl in the photo above thought she had her life laid out and that nothing would stop her.  Funny how sometimes our life does not turn out the way we think it will at all. 

I remember her writing me notes, sometimes apologies, sometimes funny and most times, very loving.  She would do my workouts with me, a lot of time, laughing our heads off walking to Leslie Sansone and various workout DVDs.  Her high school years were both agonizing and joyous.  She could be so defiant and get grounded and then we would be so proud of her academic accomplishments, singing contests and mission work.  No child is perfect and just because she is gone, I do not say she was either. BUT she was our daughter, sister, granddaughter and friend to many and she was so loved, flaws and all.

 It is actually painful to look at some of these pictures because the memories are still so vivid that it causes my heart to actually hurt.  I miss her more than I could ever express with mere words, a longing, a hole that will never truly mend, a scar forever.  My hope of Heaven and seeing her again are my greatest blessing.  Yes I remember her,  today, tomorrow and for eternity until I have her in my arms again.  I am truly blessed that God allowed us to have her and my life is forever better because she was in it. This girl was going to change the world, she sure changed mine.   Love you K Girl.

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