Thursday, May 11, 2017

My Mother Day's Sadness - It's Your Birthday

Trying to be serious
 Oh Kendra, we have shared Mother's Day and your birthday on the same day several times in the past.  I always loved having that day together, two special occasions to celebrate.  This year, your birthday, which would have been your 30th falls right on Mother's Day again.  We would have really celebrated you this year!

Instead of thinking about how much I miss you, we would have been planning our annual birthday shopping trip.  We would have been going to Sephora, getting makeovers and spending a fortune for a small bag of the best makeup, (according to you, LOL), then onto American Eagle for shorts and tops for summer and new flip flops, which you wore year round.  You only owned flip flops, boots for snow, (sometimes) and your other favorite shoes, Converse tennis shoes.  A birthday trip was not complete without shopping at Victoria's Secret for new underwear, bras and sweat pants and yoga pants.  Then we would head to one of our favorite sushi restaurants for all the sushi we could eat.  It was one of our very favorite days of the whole year and we looked forward to it every year.  It was a tradition and one we all loved, we loved shopping, but we really loved getting to spend the entire day just being together.

Kendra and I
I know that our children are a gift from God, that they truly belong to him and that they are only loaned to us, we never know for how long.  We were so blessed to receive the gift of you, it was my best Mother's Day gift ever.  I would have never wanted to return you, but that was not my choice to make.  So this Mother's Day, I celebrate the gift of you, Kendra.  We will celebrate your birthday and your memory and I hope that we can laugh and remember all your funny sayings, our favorite stories and feel thankful and blessed that you were a special part of our family.  You have left such a huge hole, you were always larger than life, you smiled bigger, laughed louder and hugged harder.  You are physically gone from us, but you are still here, in our hearts and minds and we all carry you with us every moment of every day.

I hope you are up there having the celebration of your life.  I picture you with Papa and Mimi, Papa Lind and Nana and that brings a smile to my face and joy to my heart.  You would have also been celebrating your own Mothers Day with your precious children and I will make sure that they never forget how much you loved them.  So Happy Mother's Day and Happy Birthday our K Girl.  Your light still shines so brightly here and your presence with us is so badly missed. This Mother's Day, it's going to be especially hard as I am going to be thinking of you the whole day.  I love you with all of my heart and soul.
My girls

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