Tuesday, January 3, 2017

No New Year Resolutions

Toasting Kendra with our cups of Egg Nog
As we begin another new year without Kendra, I have taken the time to reflect on the coming year. I have never liked to make resolutions because I usually don't follow through on them and they seem kind of silly, just because it's a new year to try and think we should enforce some new habits or break old ones.  Sure, I would like to lose a few pounds, eat healthier, exercise more, but I don't think making a resolution is going to make that much of a difference. We were in church on Sunday, the first day of the new year and we were singing a song with the words "I am a Child of God" and it came to me that this is what I would focus on this year.  Being a Child of God.

Being a child of the King has many perks and one of them being that I can cry and my Father is there, listening to me, comforting me and letting me know that I am not alone. I have shed many, many tears this past year and I know that I am going to continue to do so.  I am a mother of three daughters and I only have two here with me.  I still miss her so much and I still think about her all the time.  I still want to see her again and hold her and touch her and hear her voice and see her smile and feel her arms around me.  It is a feeling I have never known before and I don't think it will ever go away.

So this year, I am going to live like a Child of God.  I am going to love, give, forgive, listen, speak and act like a child of God.  Will I mess up, stumble, forget and just plain screw it all up?  Of course I will.  But then our Heavenly Father will forgive me, love me and give me the grace that I do not deserve and I will start all over again.  Kendra was a child of God and that gives me a peace that I can not explain, but I rejoice in the fact that she was saved.

So no New Year Resolutions or crazy diets or gym memberships, I am simply going to be a child of God.  I will listen to my Heavenly Father and do what he directs me to do, because Father knows best.  Here's to another year starting without my K Girl in it and with a broken heart, but I just know God has good things coming.  Praying you all have a blessed 2017!!

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