Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry Christmas in Heaven

I can't even begin to imagine the celebration in Heaven!! Is it a big birthday party and Christmas all at once? What does Jesus do? Do you all hang out together? Is there a big Christmas dinner??? I just know it must be amazing.

We are sure missing you here.  Our Christmas will never be the same.  I miss your joking around, laughing loudly and you catching us up on all the celebrity gossip.  I miss your excitement about Christmas and chugging down the egg nog.  I miss seeing your face as you open your gifts.  I miss seeing your face as you watched your kids open their gifts.  You will never be in another funny holiday photo or in a family photo.  I will never see your name on another gift.  Oh my heart hurts right now.

I went to a funeral service a couple weeks ago and the pastor said a couple things that have stuck with me.  One was that now you are not just believing by faith but by sight, you see Jesus face to face! The other was before this woman passed away, she told the pastor she was jealous of a trip he was taking to the holy land.  He said "boy, who's jealous now"?  She's in heaven right now and what a fantastic place that must be!  So, that's what I'm thinking about this Christmas morning, you in heaven.  Where there's no more pain, problems, suffering and sadness.  You are living in utter joy and contentment.  It's so hard to imagine.  But I know it has to be wonderful.

A good friend of mine who I met on Instagram had lost a son and we talk about our kids being together.  We like to think of them dancing in heaven.  It's a comforting thought.  They both wrote and were creative and we think they brought us together.  I'm sure you meet all kinds of awesome people in heaven.

I thought I would feel a bit better this Christmas than last year but grief is a funny thing.  It doesn't really ever go away, it just becomes part of you. You know it's always there, sometimes hanging around in the back of your mind and other times it's slamming right into your heart.  I'm accepting that I will always be grieving because I will always love you.  I hope you know how much you are missed and loved.  How much we think and talk about you.  How much you are still a part of everything we do.  We will be wearing our egg nog shirts and toasting you sweet girl.  Merry Christmas my beautiful K girl.  I hope you are dancing.  ðŸ˜‡

                                WISHING EVERYONE A BLESSED MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

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