Monday, August 29, 2016

Bucket List #16 Get certified for CPR

Kendra was a lifeguard every summer while she was in high school, so this bucket list item she checked off herself. She loved being a life guard and who wouldn't? You get to spend your summers at the pool and wear a bathing suit and get a great tan. Its a win-win.

She life-guarded at the country club right by our house, so not only could she walk to work, but her younger sister got to go the pool every day with her.  Their older sister was a life guard first, then she graduated just as Kendra was coming into high school, so actually all their summers growing up were spent at this pool.

To be able to be a life guard though, you had to get certified for life-saving techniques, including CPR certification. I think she probably added this to her bucket list because of Danielle getting hers for her life guard job. Of course, she passed this course with flying colors and she was so proud of herself.

We all have such fond memories of those summers, they were the best times. I always enjoyed spending time with the girls and I would go after work and on the weekends when they were working at the pool.  Our whole neighborhood would hang out at the pool and we would sunbathe, laugh and talk. I really, really miss those days, but those are memories that I will always cherish.

As we go through the items on her bucket list, it just makes me miss her more and more. But it gives us something to do in a positive manner of moving forward without her, but I sure do wish she was still here. I have learned I can still laugh when I am sad, I can still be compassionate for others when I am feeling down, I still count my blessings even as I am mourning my daughter and I can still love deeply and fiercely through my loss. Kendra had her lifesaving classes and certifications, but I am so glad she had the best lifesaving technique of all, she accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior. So when she took her last earthly breath, she flew right into his loving arms to spend the rest of eternity.

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