Friday, June 17, 2016

Mission trip to New Mexico Indian Reservation

These are some of my favorite pictures of Kendra. She loved this mission trip to an Indian reservation where they held a Bible school for a week and helped with the children.  She truly loved those kids and you can see the joy on her face.  She came home and talked about this trip for weeks. This shows the side of Kendra that I miss the most.  She felt a calling for these kinds of trips, especially when kids were involved.  When she returned home from rehab she told me several times that she was planning on getting involved in going and helping with missions again.  

I love that her love for the Lord was renewed and she wanted to serve him again.  I guess that's where I struggle to understand why God felt it was time to call her home.  So I feel it's important to try and continue carrying on in her name so that she's still spreading God's word even though she's not physically here any longer. 

This would be my message, if you feel a calling, whether just to do a simple act of kindness or go on a mission trip, do not hesitate.  None of us are promised tomorrow.  So we should live every day to the fullest and do as God calls us to do, which is to love one another. He means everyone, not just our friends or our neighbors, but all people everywhere.   

We do not have to travel far from home to do mission work, sometimes it can start in our own backyard.  Spread a little love, you never know whose life you could be changing, it could even be yours!!

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