Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Bucket List # 37 Beanie Babies!

Your bucket list stated that you actually wanted to sell your beanie babies, but of course that was when you were 12 and thought that they would be worth a fortune! You loved your beanies and you loved collecting them.  Every week you would do chores around the house to earn money to buy a new one every time they came out.  I treasure those memories! We would go every Saturday afternoon to the pharmacy in town and you would be so excited to get a new one to add to your collection! 

You even had a house for all of your beanies.  You especially loved when McDonalds offered them with happy meals.  I'm not sure you even knew how many you had, but you probably did.  You were so sure that they would become a collectors item, instead they became a collector of dust!!!  But regardless we saved them all these years                            

After your death, we took Ethan to the storage shed to take some stuff and Ethan spotted your two large tubs of beanie babies and he saw your name on the lids and he told us he wanted them because they had Kendra written on them. So we hauled them back to the house and those things are heavy! He loves them, he plays with them all the time and of course, when he moved they all went with him.  I told him we had to give some to his sister, Gianna and he said ok but she could only have a few and only cats!  I did save some back for her, unbeknown to him of course.  I did forget but totally loved that she had two angel Bears.  So they each got one and it's one of his favorites.  

So, your treasured collection did turn out to be priceless after all.   It's a wonderful collection that your children will always treasure.   Someday I can tell them all the stories of their mother collecting them, saving them, loving them, never knowing they would be something left to her kids.  I hope and pray that those beanies will be a memory of their mom that they will think is priceless too.  I like to think that she's up there smiling and glad she never actually sold them for any amount of money. 

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