Tuesday, May 3, 2016

No More Kinga

When Stephani was little she couldn't pronounce Kendra so she became " Kinga".  For some reason today it just came to me, no more Kinga. When she was younger, she had her own vocabulary.  She would call jewelry, Gunluxeries and wild turkeys were chicken dogs! She would pronounce a lot of words exactly as they sounded, like calves she would say it with the L in it and scalp was said like sculp and khakis were pronounced kak eyes! We still laugh to this day about her words.

It makes me so sad to think no more Kinga.  No more gallons of eggnog at the holidays, no more Kinga telling what was going to happen in a movie we were watching before it happened. No more singing, no more laughing and making others laugh.

We have heard so many people tell us how she touched their lives and she sure touched ours.  I miss her and all her funny, quirky ways.  I miss hearing her voice answer the phone and I miss her sending me crazy things she found on the Internet.  I miss her bragging about her kids.  I just think about her growing up and I can't believe I don't get to see her get older.  How can it be that she's just gone? I know where she is but that does not stop the ache or the tears.  I really just want our Kinga back.

I guess we never know what is going to happen in our lives and that's probably best.  But I long for my little girl, the one who made us laugh and cry, who made our family whole, who left us way too soon.  I long for my Kinga and always will.

Stephani, me and our Kinga

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