Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Remembering Kendra

Kendra was the funniest child and we could always count on her for a good laugh.  I have so many memories of the things she would say and come up with.  She always had a book in her hand and going to the library was a weekly adventure she looked forward to. I hope kids still go to the library, there is something so special about being around all those books and wondering what new things you could learn from them.  Kendra loved reading all kinds of books and she never wanted to go into the children's section, she went right to autobiographies, science, books about dreams, black holes, the Bermuda Triangle. In fact, one Easter, she said she hoped the Easter Bunny would bring her a Thesaurus in her basket, so she could learn a new word a day! She had a true hunger to learn and she loved reading.

You would think since she read all the time, that she would have no trouble pronouncing words, but no, we still laugh about and joke about the words that she butchered.  The words that we still laugh about are really simple words and even after hearing the correct way to pronounce them, she still said them her way.  They are scalp, calves and khaki. She pronounced scalp, sculp and calves, she said it with the l in it and khaki, she ended it with long i, so like cak-i.  And when she was young, she called the wild turkeys, chicken dogs!  Jewelry was called gun-luxeries.

Not only did she read all the time, but she also wrote stories.  She was so excited when we got our first computer and she spent hours typing her stories in. They are actually really good and I still have them all.  Her favorite stories were called Adventures of Jamie and they all had a lesson that was learned in them.  She always put her sisters names and her best friend, Nicole, in the stories. She would get so wrapped up in her writing that some days she would not even go outside.  I called home from work one day and she answered the phone. I told her to go outside and get some fresh air and she informed that she just over her "writer's block" and she had to finish her latest story.  She was in the fifth grade at the time.  Her dream was to be become a Professor in literature and I am so sad that she did not get to fulfill that dream, because I have no doubt that she would have been great and loved every minute.

I never want to forget all my memories of Kendra, because that is all we have left.  Memories are so precious and especially when that person is not here and there will never be anymore new memories made.  I love all our photos and videos, but nothing can take the place of reliving all the funny moments we shared with Kendra.  The girls and I love recalling all the times, she made us laugh, made us cry, and just the closeness and fun we used to have.  My advice, take those pictures, spend that time and make those memories, because you never know when you might not have that chance again.  You will not regret it.  Kendra, we miss you, we miss your quirky sense of humor, your jokes, your loud, boisterous laugh, we just miss you.  I always try to picture you in Heaven and I wonder if God ever has to look over your way and tell you to talk in an indoor voice!!  I know you are living a life beyond our wildest dreams and can't wait to hear all about it someday.  I hope you are writing it down and saving it for us.  LOVE YOU!!!

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