Thursday, January 3, 2019

Still Keeping Kendra

Kendra Dawn

Every year as we approach Kendra's Heaven date, it fills me with both dread and sadness. But we also try and look for ways to honor her memory and do some good in her name.  Since we are no longer buying her Christmas gifts, we buy for the homeless shelter and CADV, (Citizens Against Domestic Violence). Also, every year, we send prayer cards and some type of gifts for the rehab that Kendra had attended before her death.

This year we sent bracelets that stated "She believed she could, so she did" along with a card that said the Lind family was praying for them.  Shortly after, I received an email from one of the shift supervisors that worked there.  She said that she was actually in treatment with Kendra when she was there and started to cry when she opened the box and read the letter that I sent with the package. She was celebrating going into her 4th year of sobriety and that she wanted us to know that Kendra's death was not in vain. She said that they used Kendra's story to help so many others and hopefully help prevent more tragedies.  She said it was some sort of destiny that she opened the package and they planned on giving the bracelets to female clients as part of their Christmas gifts.

It touched my heart that after three years, Kendra is still remembered and her story is helping others.  It also made me cry to hear how loved Kendra was while she was there and what an impression she left.  That is the most that we can hope for, that our loved ones lives are remembered and that in some ways they can still do good in this world.  I will forever be thankful for that rehab facility and the wonderful staff, and all the help they gave Kendra and that her last days on Earth, she was surrounded by people who loved her and still remember her today.  I know our family will always love her and honor her, but what a blessing to hear that others are helping us in Keeping Kendra.  Missing our K girl, but still praying and still believing that Good Things are Coming!! 

Reflections of 2018

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