Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Housewives, laughter and tears

Some of my favorite memories of Kendra in the last years of her life was visiting her in the Ronald McDonald House in Kansas City after Gia was born and had to spend 2 and a half months in the NICU at Children's Mercy Hospital.  Our precious Gianna Faith was born with a heart tumor and was born at 32 weeks and open heart surgery at an hour old.  She truly is one of God's miracles.  Kendra had to be in the hospital for a whole month before Gia was born due to fluid buildup on Gia's organs. The doctors did not give her very good odds for surviving as they say it is not the tumor that is harmful but the fluid on her heart, lungs and abdomen.  It is very rare and Gia was only the 22nd case ever at Children's Mercy.  Thank the Lord, she had a great outcome.

So after Kendra was released from the hospital, she moved over into the Ronald McDonald House right across the street. My husband and I were keeping Ethan with us so every Thursday morning, Ethan and I made the drive to go and stay with Kendra through Saturday afternoon.  Kendra would get to spend time with Ethan and play with him and I would go take her place in the NICU and sit with Gia and hold her when I could.  She was 6 weeks old before Kendra got to hold her precious baby. The days all run together in the NICU, as it is always dark and quiet in there.

But then after 5, we were no longer allowed to be in the NICU unless in case of an emergency so we all headed back to the Ronald McDonald House.  Those places are incredible.  Every night, someone would bring a hot meal for everyone staying there and it was set up as a big, cozy home.  There was a library and play room and TV's and computers and lots of comfy couches.  After dinner, we would go to Kendra's room where she had her own TV, DVD player and laptop.  I would bring a bunch of snacks and we would settle in for the night watching TV and lots of laughing.

When she was in the hospital waiting for Gia to be born, she was totally bedridden.  So we brought her whatever we could to make her stay a little better.  Movies, books, blankets and pillows.  She asked for the entire set of Real Housewives of Atlanta so I made sure she got them. So when we were in her room, that is what we watched.  I had never seen them before and she enjoyed telling me about all the characters. I have never laughed so hard and had so much fun as at our little slumber parties every weekend.  We would eat, talk and laugh and shed a few tears. She was very homesick and hated being away from her family and home.  I just tried to bring a little cheer every week to her. 

I am so happy that I have these memories of time spent, just us two.  We had so many good talks and just enjoyed having that time together.  Even though the reason we were there was not great, we made the best of it. And it was such a huge relief to find out that Gia was going to be OK. I thank the Lord for the miracle of Gia and for giving me that time to spend with my daughter, not knowing that I would never get that kind of time with her again.  Kendra, I miss you every single day and on the hard days, I remember back to the days we spent laughing and talking and it always brings a smile to me face and hurts my heart at the same time.  Every time I see the Housewife's commercials I think of you.  I love you K Girl and I picture you still laughing in Heaven. Maybe even watching a little Housewifes?

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