Monday, January 16, 2017

Bucket List No. 57 and No. 93

Kendra at Jupiter Studios

Bucket List No. 57 was Make a Demo CD and No. 93 was Write and Perform My Own Songs. She fulfilled this dream with the help of Phillip Taylor and Jupiter Studios in St. Louis, Missouri.  She helped write the words to the three songs on the demo CD and Phil Taylor co-wrote the words and music and did the production of the CD. Kendra did sing solo on all three of the songs.

She was so excited to get to do this, as singing was her passion.  We did not know about the bucket list, but we knew she always wanted to write and sing. Sadly, we did not get these songs until after her death, but they mean the world to us to have them now.  We played the song that is on this blog at her funeral service.  I wish we could have shared them with her when she was still here, but I guess some things happen for a reason and these songs are a legacy she left to all of us. I listen to them when I just have to hear her voice and they always bring me some comfort.  I sure hope she's singing up in Heaven because I can't wait until I get to hear her sing again.

I would just say that when you finally get to mark off something big on your bucket list, make a big deal out of it, celebrate it!  Because right after she finished this CD, she got married and had her son, Ethan and was trying to finish school.  That was more important to her and she never regretted not getting her big break and she never looked back, but we could have celebrated this accomplishment with her.

As happy as we are that we have this final gift from her, it also makes us realize just how much we miss her. She was so talented and bright and I still find it hard to believe that she is no longer here on earth with us.  That for the rest of my life here, I will not get to see her.  I know God is taking good care of her, but my heart is still broken and missing her.  I hope you're still singing my K Girl.

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