Saturday, October 15, 2016

An Imperfect Shell

I am always looking for and praying for signs.  As we were walking along the beach yesterday, I found one.  After Hurricane Matthew hit, the beaches were filled with seashells.  We took a bucket and picked up hundreds, mostly clam shells.  Then yesterday I looked down and I saw the top of a beautiful shell and I immediately thought "circle of life shell". I was not even disappointed that it was only part of the shell because I felt it was a sign from Kendra.

That broken, imperfect shell is so like us.  If our lives were perfect, not broken and  beautiful, we wouldn't need God, we would never call on him to help us.  And like that shell, God still sees us, even buried in the sand, broken, but still beautiful , imperfect, but made whole by his grace.   

I saw firsthand that God can mend lives and turn messes into messages.  He took Kendra, who was as broken as can be and completely turned her life around.  She knew instinctively to turn to God and she also knew he would be there when she called upon him and he was.  I still can't believe her circle of life was so short and I'm going to do all I can to make sure her life counts and her message lives on and her story will help others.   Because I have to believe good things are still coming and that good will come out of the most painful event in our lives.  

I just kept thinking of Kendra and that shell, because after leaving this earth and going home to
Heaven, she is whole and perfect again.   Thank you Kendra for the sign and the beautiful reminder, that God takes our broken shells and loves us in all our imperfections and that the true circle of life leads to him.  Because the true circle is never ending, it's eternity with our Heavenly Father.

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