Monday, August 15, 2016

Christ in Action

I have seen Christ in action this past year for sure.  From the time Kendra went into rehab, our small group went into action, praying for her and for us. They were all overjoyed upon hearing that she was coming home to us after completing her stay at rehab. They were also prepared to keep praying as she returned to life again, back to school and mothering her precious kids.

Then the week we lost Kendra, our awesome family, friends and church family went into overdrive. We had some of them that were with us from the time we got up in the morning until we went to bed at night. We never had to worry a moment about food as someone was constantly bringing over breakfast, lunch, dinners, paper plates and napkins and trash bags, ice and water and sodas. Someone was always volunteering to run errands if needed.

Every day for the whole week, one special friend from our church and sometimes joined by our Pastor, would park outside our house every morning from 7:00 am to 8:00 am and pray that whole entire hour for us. We would always look out every morning and sure enough, there he was. If that is not Christ in action, I do know what is.

The night before the service, which our Pastor and his wife offered up their building which was mostly a wedding venue, everyone showed up to help set up all the chairs and everything needed for the service the next day. Then after finishing the work, they all gathered in a large circle holding hands and prayed over us.  What an overwhelming feeling of love and compassion from that group for us. It was an especially bittersweet moment because we had just celebrated our youngest daughter's wedding there six weeks earlier. That same building was the site of our greatest joy and our greatest sorrow.  We never dreamed on the night of our daughters wedding that we would be back exactly six weeks later to hold a celebration of life for our middle daughter.

The day of the service everyone came again and held us up again and got us through the day. The line of people that came through constantly for 6 hours was a testament of love and caring for us. We live in a golfing, gated community and the restaurant there provided the meal for us and about 100 more of family and close friends.

We received cards, letters, texts, emails and condolence calls for weeks after and so many flowers, plants and angels.  All showing Christ's love in action for us and our family.

If you lose a loved one and you do not have a church and a caring, wonderful church family, I do not know what more of a struggle we would have had.  We were constantly surrounded by love, comfort and healing hugs and so many, many prayers.  I still get texts of encouragement regularly, as if they know I am feeling down and it always come at the right time.

So yes, I have seen Christ in action, I have seen and felt his love and if you have ever experienced that love and still not know Christ is real, then you are not looking hard enough.  I will forever cherish the memories of seeing Christ right in our midst during that horrible, trying time and it was so wonderful to see Christ in action.  I know that he is always here, just pay attention and I know you will see him too.

Kendra's Bucket List Fun Run/Christ in Action

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