Monday, August 8, 2016

Bucket List #88 Drive our four wheeler

Oh Kendra, how I miss you!!  Every time I look at your bucket list, it makes me miss you more, if that's possible.  I so wish that you had shared this with us when you were 12, but God works in such mysterious and loving ways and I guess this was left for us as a gift from you, a forever reminder of the funny, caring and smart girl that you were.

You wanted to drive one of our four wheelers and you did learn to do this and you and your sisters would get on them and ride all around our farm. Or we would take them to the duck club and you guys had a blast on them. You girls would come back from riding all wind blown and laughing because you loved to drive fast and especially if your sister Steph was riding on the back.  I think it made it even more fun for you, having her yelling and screaming from behind you.

I really loved it when all you girls were home together, it was loud, it was crazy and it was fun.  You all loved to take the Mule or hop on the four wheelers and go riding. If it was summer, it was swimming in the pool and sun bathing, if it was winter, movies and caramel corn and always, always, lots of talking, joking, singing and laughing.  We still love to tell stories about you and the goofy things you did and said.  Sometimes it makes us laugh and sometimes it makes us cry, but we will always talk about you and reminisce about all of our favorite things about you.

When you lose a child, you lose such a big piece of your family and who your family used to be and who your family is now. We still say we have three daughters and that's the hardest of all. I do not know what goes on in Heaven, boy I sure wish I did, but I like to think its everyone doing the things they enjoyed doing while here on earth.  So if this is true, I am sure you are up there popping wheelies and riding fast, with your hair flying behind you and the biggest smile of all, on your face. 

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