Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Bucket List #42. Teach Becca Bays how to ride a bike

Becca on her bike

This bucket list item shows one of my favorite characteristics of Kendra.  She always cared about others, especially her family and friends.  It also shows how funny she was.  She wanted to teach her friend Becca how to ride a bike!  I just find this sweet that at 12 she would think of what she could do to help someone else. To think enough about them to put them on her bucket list.

We have heard so many stories about her that we were not even aware of, stories of caring for others, being aware of a person's feelings, just little random acts of kindness.  You raise your kids and hope you do a good job and hope you instill good values and it's so gratifying to realize that maybe you did some things right.

We so appreciate people telling us these stories, that's all we have left.   Memories are so precious when you realize that you are never going to get to make anymore with your loved one.  I think sometimes people are afraid to talk about a person who has passed on, but we love to talk to about her and hear things about her. That keeps her alive to us, that keeps her with us.

So a big thank you to Becca for helping us fulfill Bucket List No. 42. I'm also so grateful that she left us her bucket list.  We have something that has allowed us to keep going through our grief, to encourage us to do good things and help others in her name.  I love and miss my little 12 year old girl with the big heart and her love for others.

Kendra at 12

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