Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Bucket List No. 15

Page 1 of the Bucket List

The week Kendra died was the worst week of our lives.  We were all in a state of shock and just clung to each other in disbelief.  But it was during this horrific week that we wanted to go through all of Kendra's things that I had saved from her childhood and we came upon her bucket list.  As we read through her "100 Things I want to do in my Life", we laughed, we cried, we laughed some more and then we decided to try and fulfill her crazy wishes.  The more we talked about it, the more we loved the idea and it brought a spark of life back into our hearts.  Her bucket list brought about Kendrasbucketlistfunrun, which is going into its' 4th year.

As we try and to accomplish this bucket list, we found it has brought us some comfort in our grief and it has helped our hearts, especially when we are helping others.  Of course, some of them are totally impossible, she was 12 with big ideas, but some really touch my heart.  She had a love for learning and a love for others and many of them were about helping others and being kind.

So this brings us to No. 15: GO TO A DAVE MATTHEWS CONCERT.  Danielle was able to fulfill this one last Saturday, April 20th, 2019 in Charleston, SC.  We all laughed that it had to be a Kendra thing because Dave Matthews does not even tour anymore.  And then, Danielle got to go for free because she was representing her school, MSA and it was her boss that owned the Volvo Center that made the concert possible.  Now, we can't wait to take a pic of all of us wearing the tee shirts she got us and reveling in marking off another item on the bucket list.  As Danielle posted, sometimes we get so caught up in our lives and in our grief that we forget to experience and enjoy life again.  She said she felt that Kendra was reminding her that night to live again, to enjoy life again and that she would always be with us.

I will forever be grateful that 12 year old Kendra wrote her bucket list, not knowing that it would be a life preserver after her death.  I also like to think she's laughing in Heaven at the thought of us trying to do some of the crazy, wacky things on her list.  I look forward to the day we are all laughing together again! And when I can ask her about her bucket List!!  Missing you so much K Girl! Give God a hug from all of us.

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