Friday, July 15, 2016

Bucket List #100.........Go to Heaven

This was the last and most important item on your bucket list. This is also the only one you could do all by yourself. You made the decision to follow Jesus when you were in the 5th grade and you were so fervent in your faith.

We were texting right before the accident and I had asked you about being home before 1:00 pm and your very last text ever was "yes I will be home by then".  It was sent at 10:20 am and that's when the car accident occurred.  I just pray that you felt no pain, that God already had your hand in his when you flew out of the car.  I pray that he was cradling you in his arms as you were lying on the side of the road and that you only felt peace and comfort.  Then when you were pronounced dead a little while later that you were already home, with all the angels welcoming you with their arms wide open and heavenly choirs singing.   I hope you were reunited with Nana and Papa.  I hope it was the biggest celebration ever!!!

You went out on top, not many of us get to do that.  You had completed rehab and you were clean and so proud of the hard work you put into your recovery.   You rededicated your life to the Lord and you were so strong again in your faith. Your kids were so happy and you were determined that they were going to be your priority.  You had an appointment with your advisor to get back into and finish school.  You said you were happier than you had ever been and you were beyond excited for your future.  You and your sisters were best friends again and I think this was one of the main reasons for your joy and happiness.  So when you left here, you died thinking any and everything was possible for you again.  You were ready to start living again.  We didn't know your new beginning was also your ending.

Maybe we all don't write it on a bucket list but we should all live as Christ calls us to do so that when he takes us home, we are ready to go. Do I have regrets that you are not here with us? That you didn't get to finish your bucket list? That we didn't get to see you do all the things you wanted to accomplish? That your kids lost their mother, your sisters lost their sister and that we lost our daughter?   You bet I do, but I have to put my regrets on Christ's shoulders and trust in him.  I do celebrate that you were happy, that you were clean and that you loved us and you were much loved in return and you loved the Lord.

You fulfilled your very last item on your bucket list way sooner that I would have liked but I love that  going to Heaven was so important to you.   I didn't know that was to be my last text from you and I also didn't know that when you texted that you would be home by 1:00 that it wasn't going to be our home.  Because you were already home by then, carried there lovingly in your Heavenly Father's arms.

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