Friday, April 22, 2016

Shes's not broken anymore............

It's true, she's not broken anymore.  God did take all of her broken pieces and made her whole, new and brought her back to life again!  We didn't get a lot of time with her to find out what all went on in the last year and a half of her life.   We got to have her for a week before she went to rehab and most of that time was spent recovering from her near death overdose.  She was so ashamed but so relieved that we knew and we still loved and supported her. She talked with her sisters and they also told her they were totally in her corner too!  This was all she needed to head full force into rehab.

We only had two days with her upon her return home.  I don't know how it felt to her, but to us it was like the story of the prodigal son returning home to his loving father.  But I do know this, she was clean, strong, happy and with a renewed spirit.  She was so broken when she got out of the hospital the day after her overdose.  She was at her lowest low, thought she was nothing and didn't think she had any family or friends left.  Drug addiction is so cruel, it tears apart everything and everyone that gets in its path.  It destroys families and rips apart relationships.  It completely changes a persons life and their personality. It robs a person of joy, peace, happiness and simply living life.  It causes them to hide away from the world and lie.

But once all her secrets were revealed, she had nothing left to hide and she embraced the chance to get well and start living again.  Like the lotus flower that grows up out of the mud, determined to get to the sun and letting nothing stop it from getting there, so did she. She was going to get well and pursue her dreams again, take care of her children and she knew it was not going to be easy, but like the lotus flower, she was going all the way until she was free of the mud and seeking the nurturing light.

 God saw the broken shell of a person she had become and he put back all the missing and broken pieces, making her new and whole again. Only two days but what a difference we saw.  Only God could do this and she gave him all the glory.  Two days, but she was stronger, more confident, wiser and more beautiful than ever before.

I just want everyone to know that recovery is possible and there is help out there.  Please don't be afraid to reach out and ask for help.  There is hope, there is life and there is joy and love again.   If one person reads this and sees themselves or a loved one and that person gets help, then telling her story is not in vain.  I also know this......if she had died the night of the overdose I would still love her, I would still miss her and I would still wish to see her again.  But I thank God daily that he saved her, that he made her feel alive again and that he has her now, safe in his arms forever.

So even though I am still grieving her and missing her so badly, I do find comfort that she left this world completely whole, no longer broken and now never to be broken again.

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