Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Real New Normal

Anyone who lost a child can tell you that your life will forever have a before and after. Your life goes on, but everything changes, absolutely everything!  I keep hearing about the "New Normal" in the midst of the pandemic and now trying to get our lives back to some kind of normal.  But I can tell you this is just temporary, a temporary new normal and as my mom used to tell us all the time, "This too shall pass" .

A real new normal is when you realize that you will never see your child again in this life as long you live.  A real new normal is missing your daughter every single minute of every single day.  A real new normal is when your heart breaks in places you never even knew existed and finding out that it will never fully heal, this side of Heaven. A real new normal is celebrating holidays and birthdays without your child and as each year passes, your child does not get any older.  A real new normal is only having photos and memories and realizing that you will never have another photo with your child in it. A real new normal is having your child's name in your contacts, following them on Instagram and Facebook, but there will never be another call, text, post and nothing new added ever again. 

So as hard as everything has been and yes, it's been tough, but it soon will pass and our lives will return, maybe not back to normal as it was before, but it will still go and maybe we will be wiser, smarter and more appreciative and grateful for our blessings.  I will tell you this, do not take anything for granted because you just never know when someone could be here today and gone tomorrow.  Take the time, tell others you love them, make the phone calls, send the cards, just be with someone in a time of need.  Live your life with no regrets and I pray that no one has to learn the harsh realities of a real new normal.  Missing you more each passing day, K Girl!! 

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