Thursday, August 16, 2018

Joy Unexpected

One of the things that I was and still am surprised about is that joy does return even in the midst of sorrow and grieving.  I remember when my mom died, I thought "How am I ever going to be happy without my mom here"? But eventually, I learned that even though I would never feel the same, carefree happiness that I experienced when my mom was alive, joy did return.

The Bible does not define joy as described in the dictionary.  The Bible tells us that joy is not happiness which is based on things happening in our lives, both good and bad.  No, our joy remains even in our suffering.  Joy is not happiness, it is an emotion that we have for the anticipation or expectation of something great or wonderful.  The definition of worldly joy is not nearly as amazing as biblical joy.  Joy is a gift. It is one of the fruits of the Spirit.You cannot fake joy, you either have it or you don't.  Nehemiah 8:10 "the joy of the Lord is your strength" Psalm 5:11 "all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them sing for joy" .  The Bible talks a lot about joy and the effects it has on our lives.

Joy is a permanent possession while happiness is fleeting. Joy stays, happiness comes and goes. After losing Kendra, I once again struggled with the thoughts of never being truly happy, losing my ability to laugh, to enjoy, that I would lose my joy.  But I have to come to realize that true joy is not based on anything material, person, place or thing.  My joy comes from the Lord, it comes from within me. This does not mean that I am never sad, that I never cry, that I do not grieve the loss of Kendra, I still do and will until the day I die.  But it does mean that even in the midst of crying, of my sorrow, my struggles and pain, I still have joy.  And I can tell you, that joy was very unexpected indeed.  Miss you so much K Girl!


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