Thursday, March 30, 2017

Bucket List No. 63 Study Black Holes

Ethan always reading
Kendra was so fascinated by Earth's natural mysteries and she loved nothing better than to go the library and get books on these subjects.  One of her favorites was black holes and I think it's so funny that she even put it on her bucket list. Every time we went to the library she would check out a different book to read up on black holes and this was at the age of 10.  

We did not have computers or google so the library was her only means of research.  She would write papers about the phenomenon of these mysterious black holes and was always excited to get a different book about them.  

Now Ethan knew nothing about his mother's love for black holes, so imagine our delight and surprise to see him reading, studying and googling black holes.  I see the same fascination and desire to learn all he can about them too.  I just know she has to be a part of him and she for sure gave him his love of reading and learning.  I still can't believe he loves studying about black holes. 

Ethan always studying
So Ethan has fulfilled this bucket list item all on his own.  I love that he is such a part of her and in him her spirit definitely still lives.  She would be so proud that he is just as interested in learning about these mysteries as she was.  She would be so proud of the bright young man that he is becoming and equally proud of her sister and brother in law for adopting him and contributing to his thirst of knowledge and learning.  Now I also know that she is getting all her questions answered and all of her mysteries are solved, because she gets to ask the great Creator himself.  I am sure this brought her endless joy and I like to imagine her still up in Heaven with her nose in a good book.  Miss you to infinity and beyond, beyond those black holes. 

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