Friday, October 21, 2016

Fifth grade talent show

This talent show was the first of many for Kendra.  She had been in choir since the third grade but when she announced to us that she was going to sing in the talent show, we were pretty surprised!!!  She was our serious bookworm and we didn't think this was something she would want to do, sing by herself in front of students, teachers and parents.

I made her wear the dress, she didn't want to.  Kendra wore Big Dog tee shirts, umbro shirts, boy tennis shoes and athletic socks, which her sister reminded me, she wore her socks for days!  But this was her uniform, a uniform she wore for many years.  I remember on the first day of school when she was going into the forth grade and she came down the stairs in this very outfit, except for her tee shirt which had a saying on it "whatever" and we were mortified.  Her dad said look at your sister, she's all dressed up for the first day and her response was........this is me, my teacher either likes me or she doesn't, it doesn't matter what I'm wearing.  So wise for her age.  And she was right, she was teacher's pet that year.  It probably didn't hurt that had her multiplication tables memorized by October.

Anyway, when she got up and belted this song out, everyone in the gym was cheering for her and she got bit by the singing bug.  After that she sang everywhere she could.  She sang in all the talent shows at school and in the community.  She loved entering different ones and some she would perform in with her sister, Danielle.  They would sing together at Christmas parties, different events and they both really enjoyed it.

I love this song and it both cheers me up and breaks my heart and she sure is not easy to forget!  I think about her every day and I'm sad that I will never get to hear her beautiful voice sing again.   At least, not until I get to hear her in Heaven. Until then, I will watch this and miss my sweet, beautiful. talented fifth grader!!!

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