Friday, September 23, 2016

Jumping off Lunch Counter

Elizabeth and Kendra 
This would have happened when Kendra was 12, so no need for adding it to her bucket list. We were in Wyoming on vacation and we had a blast.  One of my favorite memories from this trip was one night sitting around our campfire   The girls loved having a big fire every night and we would laugh, talk and make s'mores.  Kendra had found a book in Yellowstone about actual ghost sightings in the area and she would read out loud to us every evening.  One night as we were making s'mores Kendra happened to be wearing Danielle's favorite track pants from Abercrombie. Steph accidentally flung a burning hot marshmallow and it landed right on Kendras lap burning a big hole in those pants! We all  died laughing except for Danielle, who looked like she wanted to cry!! But it sure gave us a good camp story that we still tell to this day.  I posted the pic on Instagram and Steph called me crying.  Then we both laughed and cried.  Those are the times we really miss her!!! But we sure treasure those   sweet, funny memories.

So on this day, we had done some white water rafting and got out to climb up and look out over the roaring river. This particular spot was called Lunch Counter and some particularly brave or foolish people jumped off into the river below.  Well Danielle jumped off with her friend Elizabeth, pictured above and then Kendra wanted to jump.  At first we said no, but Liz said she would jump off with her.  Kendra was so excited and of course she wanted to do it too, especially since Danielle had jumped! Well after going over all the safety tips, they jumped.  Kendra didn't come up right away and it was a panicky few moments, but all of a sudden she popped up.  She had the biggest smile on her face and was so proud of herself.  I can tell you there was no way I would have jumped!

I'm so glad we have so many happy, good memories of Kendra.  She was one of a kind, that's for sure.  I just imagine that the day she left us here, she took the biggest leap of her life, right into her Saviors arms, no fear, no hesitation and I just know with the biggest smile ever on her beautiful face.  Sure do miss you, our brave, fearless girl!

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