Wednesday, July 20, 2016

I am a Mother

I am a Mother. A mother who has lost a daughter.
I am blessed, I still have two beautiful daughters. And a wonderful husband and three wonderful grandchildren and two awesome sons-in-law. And family who are precious to me.
I am a Christian whose faith has been tested.
I am so grateful for my friends and church family, they are always there for me. 
I am still grieving.
I am both joyful and sad.
I am always looking for a sign from her.
I am always reminiscing about her.
I am still waiting to dream about her.
I am working on fulfilling her bucket list with her sisters.
I am always praying for others who have also suffered loss.
I am more compassionate.
I am stronger in my faith.
I am always going through photographs hoping for a new one.
I am still crying each day.
I am always looking to the sky and the clouds.
I am missing her laugh, her smile, her face and the sound of her voice.
I am more forgiving and loving.
I am living each day of my life to the fullest.
I am never taking anything for granted.
I am more aware of how fragile life is.
I am sure that God is continuously by my side.
I am thinking about my daughter daily and missing her so much.
I am a mother who will yearn and long for her until we are reunited again in Heaven.
I am a mother. A mother who has lost her daughter.

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