Sunday, July 24, 2016

From caterpillar to butterfly

Written to Kendra during rehab and leaving rehab

Growing up, you were always a butterfly, beautiful and larger than life.  You were talented, funny, smart and outgoing.  Were you perfect, no, but you definitely had a bright future.  Somehow, some way, during your marriage you became a caterpillar again.

In going through your rehab journals after your death, I saw that your counselor had written the saying to you, "Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over.  She became a Butterfly". I love that. That's exactly what you had done.  Right before going into rehab, you did think everything was over, that your world had ended.  You were so broken and just a shell of yourself, but you were getting your faith back and you were so determined to turn your life back around.  I am so thankful that God pointed you to the Christian rehab that you ended up going to. It was exactly what you needed and God was right there with you through your whole process .

I read letters from other people there whose lives you touched and I was so happy to know that you were once again the girl we knew.  One young man said he was broken inside but getting to know you really helped with his recovery. He said you were so encouraging and bubbly, you were a light that drew others in. You said you wanted to continue going on missions, but God had a bigger, better plan. You did your mission work right there, in fact, it was to be your last mission.  Thank God that you broke out of the cocoon, became that caterpillar, then emerged as an amazing, beautiful butterfly.  You didn't get to keep those wings long however, you quickly traded them for the best wings of all, angel wings.

Your story is proof that no matter what your situation is or what your story is, God's grace is there for each of us, he's always willing and ready to forgive and take us back into his loving arms. No sin is too big or bad for God.  That's the beauty of salvation, we only have to ask.  So if anyone is hurting or thinking their world is ending, turn to our loving savior, he will turn your caterpillar into a butterfly also.

I only wish I had more time with our little butterfly before she flew home.  But so grateful she had the opportunity to get well and that she didn't die as that sad, lonely and hurting caterpillar.  That she died confident in her salvation, pride in herself again and her beauty so apparent, both inside and out. I'm going to keep my eye out for you, my beautiful butterfly.

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