Tuesday, July 12, 2016

7 months in heaven

It's been 7 months since the Lord took Kendra home.  I have never, ever gone that long without seeing my girls.  Sometimes the loss of her is overwhelming.   I was thinking though that when a husband or wife dies, you are called a widow or widower,  when children lose their parents, they are called orphans.  What's a mom and dad called when they lose a child, what are my daughters called when they lose their sister.?

We are a family still dealing with our grief. We still miss her so badly!  Her son said it best...."I'm homesick of her".  Bless his heart.  That's exactly how I feel, homesick.  When the girls left home one by one,  I would miss them so much. As each girl left home it would change our family dynamic just a bit and we would all adjust.  But I would always long for the days when we were all home together. I would feel homesick, waiting anxiously for weekends or breaks when they would return home.  For awhile it would be just like old times.  Then they would leave again for school, marriage, etc and the homesick feelings would return anew.

I never imagined that one of them would leave and never return. That my feelings of homesickness and missing one would never go away.  But she is permanently home now, just not with us.  She's with her Heavenly Father and my mother and her Papa and I imagine many, many others.  I will be homesick for her until I too go home.

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