Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Bucket List #11 - HERE SHARKY SHARKY!!

Heading out for stingrays and shark watching! Kendra & Danielle

 Yes, #11 was to see a shark!  We went to Grand Cayman the summer of 2002 and while there we went to Stingray City.  On our way there we stopped and saw many sharks, eels and various sea life. Since I did not know that Kendra had written a bucket list, I did not know this was one of her wishes. I am glad this is one she got to do and mark off her list herself.

I went on the radio this morning to do an interview regarding the upcoming bucket list fun run and the DJ asked many questions about the bucket list and was surprised that a 12 year old girl had so many things she wanted to accomplish in her life.  Besides some of the silly ones, she had many that were very thoughtful for a 12 year old.  But as I have been going through her things, reading all her many journals and short stories, I am so sad that she is not here to complete these things or to complete her life for that matter.

Her mother in law had posted how much she was missing her and that all of our lives will never be the same without our "K" girl.  I can't agree more, Kendra could light up a room with her smile and her laugh.  She had such a sense of humor and she could sling the comebacks with the best of them. She was sharp, funny and so smart.  My heart breaks every time I realize she is really no longer here. I miss her and everything about her. She was one of a kind and I still cannot imagine my life without her.

I will never understand why she had to leave us all so soon. I am sure one day when I get to Heaven it will all be made clear, but until then I will always long for the funny and caring girl who wanted to both save the world and see a shark.

Playing with the sharks!

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